Thursday, 5 May 2016



Aesthetics is not just how a piece of art or design looks, but it is its overall sensory experience. Aesthetics describes how somethings looks, feels, tastes smells and sounds, linking all the senses. It is concerned with notions such as the beautiful and the ugly. This is what contributes to the human experience.

Aesthetics and philosophy suggests the significance and value of artwork through form and experience. These help the understanding of the significance of art.

If something is beautiful, it is achieved when the object is accompanied by liking. If the viewer does not like it, the judgment is then focused on the form of the object rather than its context or meaning. However these judgements do not determine the object, as they operate according to rules and pre established concepts. 
Reflective judgement allows the viewer to perceive and appreciate beauty, and captures what the art is about. Concepts without intuitions are empty.

The philosopher Kant describes that beauty is only beauty if it is thought beautiful by many. 

The lecture as a whole baffled me. I couldn't get to grips with it, however it was suggested to me in the seminar that followed, that relating to fashion, the sensory aesthetics of a garment or fabric are highly important, and effect everything from choosing to buy and wear something. It also includes the shopping experience- the store, the bag, the packaging, all contributing factors to the beauty of the garment. However, we all have our own different ideas of what beauty is, it is after all in the eye of the beholder. It’s all down to personal taste, style and interests that shape peoples idea of beauty. 

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